27 September 2007

PASSED: The Hate Crimes Amendment to the Defense Authorization Act

From National Center for Transgender Equality

Senate Passes Historic Hate Crimes Bill

The Hate Crimes Amendment to the Defense Authorization Act (S. 1105) was passed on a voice vote of the Senate today, September 27th. Immediately prior to the voice vote, a cloture vote to end debate of the Amendment was passed 60-39 with bipartisan support.This amendment was already passed on May 3rd in the House by a vote of 237-180. NCTE is calling on President Bush to sign the bill with this historic provision included.

Mara Keisling, NCTE Executive Director, says, “While transgender people still have many obstacles to overcome, we are overjoyed that the hard work of so many people is coming to fruition.”

The Hate Crimes Amendment extends the federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and disability.

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21 September 2007

Spring Runway Fashion

While we mere mortals are just launching into fall the fashion world is springing into Spring.

If you want to keep an eye on the runways, look at the New York Magazines runway section. Here you will find pictures, videos, and advice on the latest looks. They have a menswear section here. The look on the right is from Paul Smith's Spring 2008 collection. I think it is bold and fabulous!

I like the tight look of the loud jacket and the calmness of the sandy pants. The white shoes top off the style by bringing your eyes back to the jacket.


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19 September 2007

Hats Hats Hats, oh how I love them!

Well, if your are an avid reader of TranzStyle Guy then you will know about my love for hats. Not baseball style head wear, but a real - nice hat. I am not sure how but I was just turned onto a Lock & Co Hatters, I know we silly Americans know nothing yadda yadda yadda.

From their website:

Ask any London taxi-driver for "Lock's" and without question he will take you to Number 6, St James's Street, S.W.1, the home of James Lock & Co., Hatters.

A postcard from abroad was once promptly delivered there, although it was addressed simply to 'The best hatters in the world, London'. Established not later than 1676 to wait upon the Court at St. James's the business now serves customers from all corners of the earth. Its' survival is the consequence of progressive conservatism, of confidence in quality and a demonstration of the effectiveness of persistent personality and individuality in an increasingly mass-minded world.

The history of the business is inseparable from the history of the street. It reflects continually the passage of events in the 'corridors of power' radiating from Westminster and St. James's, for its' conduct has always been sensitive to economic, political and social change. It is also inseparable from the history of the Lock family, and in particular of the personality of James Lock as the head of that family.

Please forgive me for my ignorance of such fine hatters - I am new to the whole world of menswear.

Anyway, check them out. I covet so many hats my current obsession is their medium brimmed Madison (on right)


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Gatsby Summer Afternoon

Thanks to Will at A Suitable Wardrobe for bringing my attention to The Art Deco Society of California's event, Gatsby Summer Afternoon. This event looks like loads of fun! Take a look at the pictures from this years event via their website (the password is actually - gatsby picnic 2007 - contrary to what their site says).


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15 September 2007

Brooks Bros. - Black Fleece

Oh if I could... I stumbled upon Brooks Bros. new collection by designer Thom Browne, Black Fleece, and fell in love with this look. It incorporates my modern vintage look in a wonderfully stylish way. Please take a look at the collection and let me know if you agree.


Article about Thom Browne from New York Magazine
Thom Browne's Website

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